Monday, September 22, 2008

Khalifa Umar's son marries a milkmaid

One night, Caliph Umar as usual went in disguise with his companion Ibn Abbas to see the condition of the people. They strolled from one quarter to another. At last they came to a colony where poor people lived.

While passing by a small house, the Caliph heard a whispering talk within. The mother was telling her daughter that the amount of milk fetched by her for sale that day was very little. She told her that when she was young, and used to sell milk, she always mixed water with milk, and that led to considerable profit. She advised her daughter to do the same.

The girl said, "You adulterated milk, when you were not a Muslim. Now that we are Muslims, we cannot adulterate milk." The mother said that Islam did not stand in the way of adulteration of milk. The daughter said, "Have you forgotten the Caliph's order? He wants that the milk should not be adulterated." The mother said, "But the Caliph has forgotten us. We are so poor, what else should we do but adulterate milk in order win bread?" The daughter said "Such a bread would not be lawful, and as a Muslim I would not do anything which is against the orders of the Caliph, and whereby other Muslims are deceived."

The mother said, "But there is neither the Caliph nor any of his officers here to see what we do. Daughter you are still a child. Go to bed now and tomorrow I will myself mix the milk with water for you." The girl refused to fall in with the plan of her mother. She said, "Caliph may or may not be here, but his order must be obeyed. My conscience is my Caliph. You may escape the notice of the Caliph and his officers, but how can we escape the notice of Allah and our own conscience." Thereupon the mother remained quiet. The lamp was extinguished and the mother and the daughter went to sleep.

The next day, Caliph Umar sent a man to purchase milk from the girl. The milk was unadulterated. The girl kept her resolve. CaliphUmar turned to his companion and said, "The girl has kept her resolve in spite of the exhortation of her mother. She deserves a reward. What reward should I give her?"

"She should be paid some money," said Ibn Abbas. Caliph Umar said, "Such a girl would become a great mother. Her integrity is not to be weighed with few coins; it is to be measured in the scale of national values. I shall offer her the highest award in my gift, and which shall also be in the highest interest of the nation."

The Caliph summoned the daughter and the mother to his court. The mother trembled as she stood before the mighty ruler. But the girl faced the Caliph boldly and with great equanimity. She was beautiful, and there was an impressive dignity about her. Then before the gathering, Caliph Umar related how he had overheard the mother and the daughter, and how in spite of the exhortations of the mother the daughter had kept her resolve.

Someone suggested that the mother should be taken to task. The Caliph said that ordinarily he would have punished the mother, but he had forgiven her for the sake of her daughter. Turning to the girl the great Caliph said, "Islam needs daughters like you and as a Caliph of Islam it devolves on me to reward you by owning you as a daughter." The Caliph called his sons, and addressing them said, "Here is a gem of a girl who would make a great mother. I desire that one of you should take this girl as wife. I know of no better bride than this girl of sterling character. In matters of wedlock, it should be the character and not the stature in life that should count."

Abdullah and Abdur Rahman the elder sons of the Caliph were already married. Asim the third son was yet unmarried, and he offered to marry the girl. Thereupon with the consent of the milkmaid and her mother Asim was married to the girl, and milkmaid became the daughter-in-law of the Caliph.

From this union was born a daughter Umm Asim, who became in due course the mother of Umar bin Abdul Aziz. Umar bin AbdulAziz was elected as Caliph and served for a short period during 717 - 720.

While other Caliphs of the Ummayad dynasty reveled in luxury, Umar bin Abdul Aziz as a Caliph set up standards for austerity and simplicity following in the footsteps of Caliph Umar, the second Caliph of Islam. It is said that if ever there was a noble Caliph after the first four "Rightly guided Caliphs,"such a man was Umar bin Abdul Aziz. And he inherited the noble qualities of the milkmaid who married the Caliph's son, and those of Caliph Umar Farooq who had the eye to discern the nobler qualities of sterling character in a poor girl.

"The mother is a school: if you prepare her properly, you will prepare an entire people of good character, The mother is the first teacher, foremost among them, and the best of teachers."

"We (Allah) have made the (care of) parents incumbent upon man. His mother carried him through the fatigue (of pregnancy) followed by the hardship (of labor). And the weaning takes two (more) years. Thank Me and your parents. (Remember)! Towards Me is your return! Yet if they, (your parents), compel you to commit 'shirk' (associate partners) with Me , something you have no knowledge of , then do not obey. Deal with them in this life with kindness and courtesy, but follow the path of the one who turns to Me in repentance. Towards Me is your retreat! Then, I will relate to you what you used to do. Quran [031:14-15]

Taken from Muslim History

Friday, September 19, 2008


It’s at times impossible to concentrate during tharaweeh after a full day of work, but as it is work is part of our lives. I’m trying to formulate some strategies, which would help me concentrate better, inshallah. Working from home of course I should say is a very lucrative option, but at times its as tiring if not more than going to office itself. A few options I was looking at included taking off a bit early from office and having a short nap before maghrib, this is very helpful I should say. Another is to break in between rakaats in tharaweeh, I stop for a while before I start again when I feel I’m dozing off, and this has proven to be helpful as well. Nevertheless the best option is the short evening nap, it revitalizes the entire body and alhamdulih it helps to concentrate really well. Just a few lines in case someone is facing the same problem as me.:)
May Allah swt keep us steadfast on his path,ameen.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Who I Am !

(An Excellent poem about the Muslim Woman)

What do you see
when you look at me
Do you see someone limited,
or someone free


All some people can do is just look and stare
Simply because they can't see my hair


Others think I am controlled and uneducated
They think that I am limited and un-liberated


They are so thankful that they are not me
Because they would like to remain 'free'


Well free isn't exactly the word I would've used
Describing women who are cheated on and abused


They think that I do not have opinions or voice
They think that being hooded isn't my choice


They think that the hood makes me look caged
That my husband or dad are totally outraged


All they can do is look at me in fear
And in my eye there is a tear


Not because I have been stared at or made fun of
But because people are ignoring the one up above


On the day of judgment they will be the fools
Because they were too ashamed to play by their own rules


Maybe the guys won't think I am a cutie
But at least I am filled with more inner beauty


See I have declined from being a guy's toy
Because I won't let myself be controlled by a boy


Real men are able to appreciate my mind
And aren't busy looking at my behind


Hooded girls are the ones really helping the muslim cause
The role that we play definitely deserves applause


I will be recognized because I am smart and bright
And because some people are inspired by my sight


The smart ones are attracted by my tranquility
In the back of their mind they wish they were me


We have the strength to do what we think is right
Even if it means putting up a life long fight


You see we are not controlled by a mini skirt and tight shirt
We are given only respect, and never treated like dirt


So you see, we are the ones that are free and liberated
We are not the ones that are sexually terrorized and violated


We are the ones that are free and pure
We're free of STD's that have no cure


So when people ask you how you feel about the hood
Just sum it up by saying 'baby its all good' ;)


source: www.islamway. com

Saturday, September 06, 2008

This is good, Allah Almighty knows best !

*The Story of an African King and His Friend *

A story is told about a King in Africa who had a close friend that he grew up with. The friend had a habit of looking at every situation that ever occurred in his life (positive or negative) by remarking, "This is good, Allah Almighty knows best" One day the King and his friend were out on a hunting expedition. The friend would load and prepare the guns for the King. The friend had apparently done something wrong in preparing one of the guns, for after taking the gun from his friend, the King fired it and his thumb was blown off. Examining the situation the friend remarked as usual, "This is good! Allah Almighty knows best." To which the King replied, "No, this is NOT good!" and ordered his soldiers to put his friend into jail.

About a year later, the King was hunting in an area that he should have known to stay clear of. Cannibals captured the King and took him to their village. They tied his hands, stacked some wood, set up a stake and bound him to t! he stake. As they came near to set fire to the wood, they noticed that the King was missing a thumb. Being superstitious, they never ate anyone who was less than whole. So after untying the King, they chased him out of the village.

When the King reached his Palace, he was reminded of the event that had taken his thumb and felt remorse for his treatment of his friend. He went immediately to the jail to speak with his friend. "You were right" the King said, "it was good that my thumb was blown off." And he proceeded to tell the friend all that had just happened. "I am very sorry for sending you to jail for so long. It was bad for me to do this." "No," his friend replied, "this is good...Allah Almighty knows best" "What do you mean, 'this is good'! How could it be good that I sent my friend to jail for a year?"

The King's friend replied: "Remember that the Almighty knows best and if I had NOT been in jail, I would have been with you on that hunting trip."

"He knows what is before them And what is behind them: And to Allah go back All questions (for decision)" Qur'an:Surah Al Hajj 22:76

Do Not Judge Things or Events by its Immediate Outcome! Almighty, the Most High, is the All-Knowledgable, the All-Knower... He chooses to show us things... but sometimes... we are not shown the wisdom behind somethings. When we are confronted by circumstances that are not very pleasing.... we are quick to say: "This is not good..." but... is it really? We might not know the purpose behind it. It might turn to be a good thing.... thus.. .when we are faced with any situation... do not be too quick to judge... always remember.... this life is a test... the good and the bad.... and there is nothing that happens for no reason... our brains are just not gifted enough to understand these reasons yet.

Sometimes ... things happen to us for a reason.

Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, reported:

Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: When Allah created the creation He put down in His Book, which is with Him upon the Throne:Verily, My mercy predominates My wrath.*

Hadith number in Sahih Muslim [Arabic only]: 4939; English: Book 37,
Number 6626

Ramadhan Q & A

Assalamo Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatahu

Inshallah you are all in the best state of health and Imaan. Jumma Mubarak to you all and as always try and spend as much time as possible sending darood and salaam upon Nabi SAW. As mentioned last week recite Allahuma Sallay Ala Muhammadin Abdika Wa Nabiyika Wa Rasoolikan Nabiyyil Ummiyi. Reciting this darood and salaam upon Nabi SAW 80 times on Friday takes away 80 years of sin.

Inshallah you found the khutbah on the importance of Ramadhan informative. It is important to go through some of the questions that we normally ask but have no-one to answer them for us. It is unfortunate of the times we live in, is that there is a masjid on every corner but no one there to answer our call, except of course Allah SWT.

Q: Is taking a meal before commencing a fast (suhur) necessary in order for a fast to be valid?
A: No, Suhur is not necessary. However, it is a virtuous act of Sunnah that should not be missed unnecessarily.

Q: What time does Suhur begin?
A: One can take Suhur any time after midnight, but it is more advisable to take it in the latter hours of the night, preferably just before the break of true dawn (al-Fajr al-Sadiq).

Q: Is an intention for fasting necessary and when should one make the intention (niyyah) for the fast of Ramadhan?
A: The intention for fasting is necessary but very simple: It is to know in your heart that you will fast that day. It is valid to have this intention any time from Maghrib the night before up to the Islamic midday of the actual day of fasting, for current Ramadhan fasts and voluntary fasts. The Islamic midday is half way between the beginning of Fajr and Maghrib times. (al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya). This means that you can go to sleep not intending to fast the next day. But when you wake up in the morning you can make your niyyat then even though sunrise has come in and your fast will still be valid as long as you have not eaten, drunk or done anything else that would normally invalidate your fast.

Q: Can a man have sexual intercourse with his wife during the nights of Ramadhan?
A: Yes, it is permitted to have sexual intercourse with one’s spouse during the nights of Ramadhan. However, one must stop before the break of dawn (al-Fajr al-Sadiq). It will also be permitted to take the obligatory ritual bath of purification after one has started one’s fast.

Q: Is it permissible to kiss and caress one’s wife whilst fasting?
A: Non-sexual affectionate kissing, from which there is no fear of leading to intercourse or ejaculation, will be allowed and not disliked. However, if one fears that kissing will lead to ejaculation or sexual intercourse, then it will be disliked (makruh) to kiss, but one’s fast will remain valid as long as kissing does not lead to actual sexual intercourse or does not result in ejaculation. If kissing resulted in ejaculation, one’s fast would become invalid and hence will have to be made up (qadha), without having to expiate for it (kaffara). Passionate kissing when saliva is exchanged will invalidate one’s fast, with both Qadha and Kaffara necessary. (al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya, 1/200 & 1/204)

Q: Does a fast break when one swallows the saliva of one’s spouse?
A: Yes, if one is certain of swallowing one’s spouse’s saliva, then this would invalidate one’s fast and necessitate both a Qadha and Kaffara.

Q: If one kisses or caresses one’s spouse and consequently ejaculates, is one’s fast broken?
A: Yes, the fast is invalidated. However one will only have to make up for the fast (Qadha), and there will be no expiation (Kaffara) in this situation.

Q: What is the difference between a Qadha and Kaffara?
A: Qadha (makeup) means to keep another fast in order to make up for the fast which was invalidated, whilst Kaffara (expiation) means to perform an act to expatiate the sin of having broken a fast.

Q: In what way is a Kaffara fulfilled?
A: A Kaffara may be given in the following two ways: 1) Fasting for two months consecutively without missing a single fast, 2) Feeding sixty poor people. It should be remembered that if one has the ability to fast then one cannot adopt the second method; rather, one will have to fast for sixty days continuously.

Q: Does an injection invalidate one’s fast?
A: No, it does not invalidate one’s fast, although it is better to avoid taking injections whilst fasting unnecessarily.

Q: Does taking out blood or a blood test invalidate one’s fast?
A: No, a blood test does not invalidate the fast, as it is merely the taking out of blood. However, it will be disliked if it could weaken one from being able to maintain the fast.

Q: Does smoking invalidate one’s fast?
A: Yes, it does invalidate one’s fast. (Ramadhan is a good time to quit smoking forever!). Both makeup and kaffara will have to be done.

Q: Is it allowed to use an Asthma Pump during the Fast?
A: If one has a genuine medical need for an asthma pump that cannot be otherwise fulfilled, then it would be permitted to use it. However, it would break the fast and require that the fast be made up later (Qadha). This is because anything that has a perceptible body breaks the fast if it enters the body through a normal channel.

Q: When does vomiting break one’s fast?
A: Vomiting only breaks one’s fast if: a) one returns and swallows the vomit down the throat, or b) one vomits a mouthful intentionally. It is not broken by non-deliberate vomiting or (deliberately) vomiting less than a mouthful. If one’s fast is broken by vomiting, then one will only have to make up (qadha) for the fast, a Kaffara will not be necessary.

Q: How does one decide when vomiting is a mouthful?
A: The definition of “mouthful vomiting” is that which one cannot hold back in one’s mouth without difficulty.

Q: Can one fast whilst travelling?
A: Yes, one may fast while travelling. However one should not burden oneself if the journey is long and difficult, for in such situations it is advisable not to fast.

Q: Can a woman on menstruation (haydh) or post-natal bleeding (nifas) fast?
A: No, she cannot fast. It will be unlawful (haram) for her to do so.

Q: Does a woman on menstruation (Haydh) or post-natal bleeding (Nifas) have to make up for the fasts missed?
A: Yes, she will have to make Qadha for the missed fasts.

Q: Does one have to perform the Qadha fasts immediately after Ramadhan?
A: No, it is not necessary. However, it is recommended to complete the missed fasts of Ramadhan as soon as possible. It is not permissible to fast on the day of Eid.

Q: When can a sick person break his/her fast on the opinion of a doctor?
A: When a competent Muslim doctor says that if he/she continues fasting, it will bring danger to his/her life or severely effect the health, then in such a situation it will be permitted to break one’s fast. One will not be liable for a Kaffara but will only have to make up for the fast (Qadha).

Q: Is it permissible to insert medicine through a female’s private part during a fast?
A: Any form of medicine inserted into the internal part of a woman’s private part will invalidate her fast.

Q: Does tasting food by the one cooking invalidate the fast?
A: This is disliked but will not break the fast, especially if the woman has a harsh husband or if they are cooking for a large group of people.

Q: Can one use miswaak during fasting?
A: It is permissible to use miswaak during fasting and this does not invalidate the fast.

Q: Can one use toothpaste during fasting?
A: It is disliked to use toothpaste during fasting, but this would not invalidate the fast.

Q: Does bleeding invalidate the fast?
A: No bleeding does not invalidate the fast but depending on the nature of the bleed will invalidate the wudhu.

Q: Does gargling or snuffing the nose break the fast?
A: If water goes down the throat or up the nose and the person in conscious of the fast then the fast will break. Only makeup fast will be required. This is why the scholars recommend that you do not over gargle/snuff the nose when fasting.

Q: Does putting oil in the ear invalidate the fast?
A: If it goes past the ear drum then it breaks the fast if it doesn’t then it is ok. Only makeup fast will be required.

Q: Does swallowing blood invalidate the fast?
A: Yes, if the colour of the blood is more than the saliva with which it is mixed with. It is important that if you have weak gums that are prone to bleeding especially using the miswaak then you should be extra careful. Only makeup fast will be required.

Q: If one accidently eats after suhur or before iftaar because they can not deteremine the time. Will this invalidate the fast?
A: Yes, it is very important to close and open your fast on time. Many of us continue to eat even after the Fajr salah start time has come in. This is wrong and the fast has already been invalidated. This is a lesson to us all that we should get into a habit of closing our fast 5-10 mins before Fajr comes in. If one made this mistake of eating during the core time of the fast then only makeup fast will be required.

Q: Will chewing on the pen break my fast?
A: It is disliked to chew on anything that does not reach the stomach. But this will not invalidate the fast.

Q: Will drinking medicine invalidate my fast?
A: Yes, drinking any kind of medicine will break the fast. If done intentionally and one was not seriously sick then both makeup and kaffara will be required.

Q: Will rubbing hair/oil in the hair or body invalidate the fast?
A: No.

Q: Will my fast be invalidated if a fly, mosquito, dust or any object unintentionally goes down my throat?
A: No

Q: Will applying surma/kuhl invalidate my fast?
A: No.

Q: Will applying itr or perfume invalidate the fast?
A: No. But it is not permitted to inhale the smoke of Loban or agarbatti or the smoke of cigarettes.

Q: Will water entering the ears break my fast?
A: No.

The list of questions and answers above in not exhaustive but Inshallah they are a good basis of some of the dilemmas that we face. May Allah SWT grant acceptance to all our efforts in this Blessed month, Ameen.

Assalamo Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatahu

A scholar once asked his student …

You have accompanied me for a long period of time, so what have you learnt?

He replied : "Eight things"

The first:

I looked at the creation and found that every person has something that is beloved to him, but when that person reaches his grave, his beloved would be separated from him. So I made the most beloved thing to me my righteous deeds, so that they may be with me in my grave.

The second:

I looked at the saying of Allah the Elevated:

…But as for him who feared standing before his Lord,and restrained himself from impure evil desires and lusts.Verily, Paradise will be his abode. Quran79:40-41

So I strove against my self, repelling desires and lusts from it until it settled upon obedience to Allah.

The Third:

I saw that whoever possessed something valuable would keep it in a safe and secure place, I then looked at the saying of Allah the Glorified:

Whatever is with you will come to an end, and whatever is with Allah will remain. Quran16:96

So whenever something of value came into my possession, I directed it to Him, so that it may remain for me with Him.

The Fourth:

I saw that people return to wealth, lineage and nobility, and they are all worthless, so I looked at the saying of Allah the Glorified:

the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Quran49:13

So I worked on attaining Taqwaa or righteousness so that I may be honorable with Allah.

The Fifth:

I saw that people envy each other, so I looked at the saying of the Elevated:

It is We Who portion out between them their livelihood in the life of this world Quran 43:32

So I left envy and jealousy.

The Sixth:

I saw them taking each other as enemies, so I looked at the saying of the Glorified:

Surely, Shaytaan (Satan) is an enemy to you, so take (treat) him as an enemy Quran35:6

So I left their enmity and took Satan as my only enemy.

The Seventh:

I saw that they humiliate themselves in pursuing provision, so I looked at the saying of Allah the Glorified:

And no moving (living) creature is there on earth except that its provision is due from Allah. Quran 11:6

So I concentrated on what was due to Him from me, and left what was due to me to Him.

The Eighth:

I saw them dependent upon their trades, professions and health, so I depended upon Allah the Glorified.

And whosoever puts his trust in Allâh, then He will suffice him Quran 65:3

With Regards

A Big Thanks for the Person who composed this.

A Tearful Dua

Source - Ramazan Magazine

O Allah, O Karim,
Please have Mercy on me.
O Allah, O Karim,
Please forgive me
for the sins I committed in the past
and those I will commit in the future.

O Allah,
have Mercy on all the Muslimeen,
and guide them.
Guide me O Allah,
and guide my parents,
my siblings, my cousins,
my aunts and uncles,
my nephews and nieces and so forth.

O Allah,
I ask You
to strengthen my iman and those around me.
I ask You to soften my heart
and to soften the hearts of the Believers.
O Allah,
forgive me for my shortcomings,
for only You are Perfect.

O Allah,
Please Forgive me
if I ever got too wrapped in a matter
that I didn't have the time to utter Your Name.
O Allah,
Please Forgive me for all the salat I missed
because of ignorance or laziness,
Please Forgive me for all the fasts I didn't make up,
thinking it was "alright, since I fasted most of the days anyway."

O Allah,
Please Forgive me
for the quarter I never dropped
into the metal cup for the homeless man begging on the street.

O Allah,
Please spark the love of Islam in my heart
and in the hearts of every single Muslim
until it gets implanted in their children
and their childern's children and so on.

O Allah,
I ask that You help me for I am weak ´´
and will only grow stronger by Your Strength,
so Allah Please Strengthen me
to fight Shaitan and his whispers.
And if I ever fell into his trap
and followed my desire,
then sincerely forgive me,
for that displays not only my weakness,
but Your Greatness as well.

O Allah, Please lighten the punishment in the grave
for those before us and those after us.
Please Allah, lighten the punishment
and please shed light into every Muslim's grave.

O Allah, if I ever was too afraid
to stand up for Your Deen
because of what others would think,
then Forgive me, for I was a fool for doing so.

O Allah, Please Protect me and each Musilman,
and Protect especially the orphans and the widows.
O Allah, Please Strengthen the faith
of the destitute Muslims around the world,
so they have hope to live.

O Allah, if I ever forgot to do du'a
for even one suffering Muslim,
then Forgive me
for then it is as if I haven't done du'a
for the entire ummah.

O Allah,
Please be the Light of my eyes, ears and heart.
O Allah,
Please be the Light on the sides of me
and the Light behind me
and the light in front of me.

O Allah, Please Forgive me
for all the foul words I spoke
either out of ignorance or
because I was trying to be "cool."
O Allah, please forgive me
if I never stopped to think about You,
due to "other important things."

O Allah, Please Forgive me
for not having enough time
or creating time for reading the Qur'an.
O Allah, Please Forgive me
for listening to music
and watching movies and t.v.
O Allah, please forgive me
for all the yelling I've done
and the arguments I've been in.
For the only time
the voice should be raised
is for Your Praises!

O Allah, Please Forgive me
for my disrespect towards my family,
elders, siblings and so on.
O Allah, Please Forgive me
for any backbiting I have been accused of,
whether I did it consciously or unconsciously.

O Allah, Rab al-Alamin,
Forgive me,
Forgive me for everything.
So for everyone,
every single Muslim,
dead or alive,
I do du'a that you forgive them
for all their sins.

O Allah,
Please Please Please
help the suffering Muslims
of Kashmir, Palestine, Chechnya,
Bosnia, Gujarat, Nigeria,
Iraq, Afghanistan and everywhere around the world.
Please O Allah, make the Mujahideen victorious,
and let the beauty of Islam reign!

O Allah, Give victory to the Muslims!
O Allah, Please let True Islam reign!
O Allah, Please increase our knowledge
of Your Deen and this world.
Oh Allah, Please Help us all and guide us,
for You are Everything to us.

O Allah,
I cannot stress how much I ask
for Your Forgiveness and Your Guidance.
O Allah,
I fear You,
I fear You soooo much words cannot describe.
I fear the day when I will meet You,
and I WILL meet You.
When we are one on one,
and I have no one's help or support.
No-one can take the blame for me
nor I for them.
The only thing I will have
is a little book given to me by You
that has my deeds.

O Allah,
Please Forgive me for my thoughts,
for even though I get sinned only for my actions,
I cannot help but feel guilty for my thoughts
and I ask You to Forgive me for them
and to clear my mind of any impurities
until You become the Only thing on my mind.

O Allah,
Please Forgive me
if I ever did anything out of gain
for this life and not for Your pleasure.
If I ever did anything to "show off"
then Please Forgive me for that.

O Allah,
I do du'a
that You grant us all God-Fearing spouses
and grant us righteous children.
Oh Allah,
I do du'a
that You continue to strengthen this ummah
until the Day of Resurrection.
O Allah,
Forgive me
for whatever I have not mentioned,
for I am bound to forget
.but You,
through Your Greatness...
You Never Forget.

O Allah,
Please Grant
all the Muslims
O Allah,
I ask that You shed Your Mercy
on all the Prophets (peace be upon them)
and on all the Angels (peace be upon them).

Lastly, I do du'a
You shed Your Mercy
on the Prophet Muhammad ,
his family and companions.
I do du'a
that you grant Muhammad(PBUH)
the Highest Station in Paradise.

Rabinna Aataina
Fiduniya Hasinathow
Wa Fil Akhirati Hasinathow,
Waqina Adhab innaar
