Saturday, May 05, 2007

Ikhlas (Sincerity)

As humans who are weak and feeble we are often prone to sins, but if we are sincere Insha Allah, Allah (SWT) will protect us from the fitnahs(trials) around us. Sometimes you feel how deeply Allah(SWT) loves you, if you are sincere. Nothing but only he could save and protect you, because he is all knowing all wise. When certain things are beyond your control and you raise your hands up in supplication, he responds to you in ways you never imagined. He saves you from what is evil and wrong, in ways you couldn’t possibly perceive, he rewards you for being patient and sincere. Only after he protects us from the evils around us, do we realize his plan for us. He is the one who lays out everything smoothly, for those who are patient and sincere. When things seem out of control and we feel the pressure around us let’s turn to him for guidance, for only he can guide us to be righteous. Above all a sincere heart and attitude is most beloved to him. Only he sees what’s hidden and unknown. He is our protector and our master.

Ya Allah, please save me and all my fellow Muslims in Islam from all the fitnahs around us. Please give us Ikhlas(Sincerity) in our deen, and forgive us all for our past sins. Please do not take our ruhu unless we are in a very high state of iman, please don’t give us any burden which is unbearable to us. Please help us to live & die for your sake only. Ameen.

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