Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Lie regarding Marriage

The whole world cannot contain my happiness, which I do not hide, and a shy smile appears on my face, as I hear my best friend tell me about her brother, “He wants to marry you.” I said to myself, ‘Now I will have a best friend and her brother will be my husband.” She praised his mannerism and good behavior and said while smiling, “You will live like the princesses of the Middle Ages. He will strive to provide you comfort and shower you with his affection.” Things happened fast since then and my happiness did not give space to careful thinking. I did not ask for anything, not even a specified Mahr (dowry) or where will I live. We did not verify that he even works or where he works, he was the brother of my best friend. I started making plans for the wedding dress,1 and I took her advice in the type of fabric to use, the gold I should by, kitchenware, what he likes and dislikes and the best gift to give him.

My father was amazed to my dedication to marry this man, but invoked Allah to bless my efforts, especially since I am his only daughter.

My future husband chose the most expensive hotel for the wedding and was confused as to the gift he should give to me. Meanwhile, I overcome by my dreams and passion and during wedding day, I was especially happy. However, the dream ended when I realized that his face showed no concern and he spent a large part of the night out of the house. Whenever I wanted to address these concerns, my friend would tell me that I should forego these minor things because he is a husband! Then I realized that I was married to him not to my friend, and I finally picked up the phone and called my father, who was elated to hear my voice. But my voice was tired and I said, “I do not want him, he is a drug addict.” My father asked with his strong voice, “How, where are you now?” The days of happiness ended quickly and elation turned into sadness, “How can you my best friend, lie to me like this? If someone like him wanted to marry you, would you agree? How could you have cheated me?

Some women ask other Muslim women for marriage for their relatives, praise them in front of them and mention their good qualities. However, much of what is being said are lies or at least exaggerations. To these women we say: “If someone lies to you, you would be bothered by being lied to. Why do you lie to people then, especially with regard to marriage? Would you agree that the same happens to your daughter?

Rasool Allah (Sallalahu ali huwa sallam) said : A man should not lie with another man under one covering, and a woman should not lie with another woman under one covering. (Sahih Muslim 667)

Tales from the Salaf

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